From Newroco Tech Docs
Be it mysql or postgresql, both have bash backup scripts deployed by puppet. The concept is fairly simple: dump the db in files in /var/lib/db_backups/ , always to the same files, and then back this up by backuppc which will decide which versions to keep and do the rotation.
Here is the script as deployed by puppet:
#!/bin/bash # FILE DEPLOYED BY PUPPET DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY # Random sleep - Backups shouldn't start at the exact same time to prevent the KVM host from overloading if [[ $* != *--nosleep* ]] then sleep $(($RANDOM % 1800)); fi DATABASES=`/usr/bin/mysql -e 'show databases' -s --skip-column-names 2> /tmp/mysqlbackup.log`; if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then /bin/cat /tmp/mysqlbackup.log | /usr/bin/mail -s "MySQL backup error on `/bin/hostname -f`"; /bin/rm /tmp/mysqlbackup.log ; exit 1 fi for i in $DATABASES; do if [ "$i" = "information_schema" ]; then continue ; fi ; if [ "$i" = "performance_schema" ]; then continue ; fi ; /usr/bin/mysqldump $i 2> /tmp/mysqlbackup.log > "/var/lib/db_backups/$i.sql"; if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then /bin/rm -f "/var/lib/db_backups/$i.sql.gz"; /bin/gzip -f "/var/lib/db_backups/$i.sql"; else /bin/cat /tmp/mysqlbackup.log | /usr/bin/mail -s "MySQL backup error on `/bin/hostname -f`"; /bin/rm /tmp/mysqlbackup.log ; exit 1; fi; done; exit 0;
Please make sure you have rsync and mailutils installed. Proposed script for backing up of databases on all postgreSQL VMs: This script is held in /opt/bin/
#!/bin/bash # FILE DEPLOYED BY PUPPET DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY # Random sleep - Backups shouldn't start at the exact same time to prevent the KVM host from overloading if [[ $* != *--nosleep* ]] then sleep $(($RANDOM % 1800)); fi logfile="/var/lib/db_backups/pgsql.log" backup_dir="/var/lib/db_backups" touch $logfile dateinfo=`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` echo "$dateinfo Start " >> $logfile /usr/bin/vacuumdb -za >/dev/null 2>&1 dateinfo=`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` echo "$dateinfo Vacuum complete for all databases" >> $logfile databases=`psql template1 -q -c "\l" | sed -n 4,/\eof/p | grep -v rows\) | grep -v template0 | grep -v template1 | grep -v : | awk {'print $1'} | grep -v \|` for i in $databases; do /usr/bin/pg_dump -F c $i -f $backup_dir/$i-backup.sql 2> /tmp/psqlbackup.log if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then /bin/gzip -f $backup_dir/$i-backup.sql ; else /bin/cat /tmp/psqlbackup.log >> $logfile /bin/cat /tmp/psqlbackup.log | /usr/bin/mail -s "PostgreSQL backup error on `/bin/hostname -f` for database $i "; /bin/rm /tmp/psqlbackup.log ; fi ; dateinfo=`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` echo "$dateinfo Backup complete for database $i " >> $logfile done rsync -t /etc/postgresql/*/main/postgresql.conf $backup_dir rsync -t /etc/postgresql/*/main/pg_hba.conf $backup_dir dateinfo=`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` echo "$dateinfo Done " >> $logfile echo " " >> $logfile
The related puppet recipe:
# /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/sudo.pp class postgres_backup { file { "/var/lib/db_backups/": owner => "postgres", group => "postgres", mode => 770, ensure => directory, } file { "/opt/bin/": owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 755, ensure => directory, } file { "/opt/bin/": owner => "postgres", group => "postgres", mode => 755, source => "puppet://", } file { "/etc/cron.d/database_backup": content => "30 23 * * * postgres /opt/bin/", owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, } }
Here is the current script, taken directly from the puppet recipe:
file { "/etc/cron.d/database_backup": content => "30 23 * * * postgres /usr/bin/pg_dumpall > /var/lib/db_backups/database_dump.sql 2> /tmp/psqlbackup.log ; if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then /bin/gzip -f /var/lib/db_backups/database_dump.sql ; else /bin/cat /tmp/psqlbackup.log | /usr/bin/mail -s \"Postgresql backup error on `/bin/hostname -f`\"; /bin/rm /tmp/psqlbackup.log ; fi ;\n", owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, }
Manual procedure to prepare a new server
- create folder /opt/bin
sudo mkdir /opt/bin
- create folder /var/lib/db_backups
sudo mkdir /var/lib/db_backups
- set the owner to the user that will run the backup script
sudo chown postgres /var/lib/db_backups
- copy the mysql or postgresql code into a SH file, for example /opt/bin/ or /opt/bin/ or simply /opt/bin/
- set owner to the user that will run the backup script
sudo chown postgres /opt/bin/
- grant the user execute permissions on the script
sudo chmod u+x /opt/bin/
- add a cronjob to the desired user to run this script nightly
sudo crontab -u postgres -e
00 23 * * * /opt/bin/
- install mailutils so the script can notify ITsupport when something fails
sudo apt-get install mailutils
- install rsync so the script can synch files to backup folder
sudo apt-get install rsync
- test to see if the script runs okay. Please bear in mind that the script starts with a sleep command that might take long to finish, so change that when testing.
sudo su postgres /opt/bin/