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Instructions for using Zetavault storage systems


Enable in the web UI by visiting Settings > SAN and clicking Enable ISCSI. Press Update bottom left and then visit Services > SAN and press Start SAN.

Create a volume to allocate to a SAN target in ZFS > Volumes, then in Services > SAN > Devices add a device, click ZFS, select the volume you just created and click Add.

To prevent the SAN pool from becoming full, never allocate more than 90% of the pool size to volumes or filesystems

Then in Services > SAN > Users

Add user if needed (i.e. if not already available in UI)

Choose iSCSI

Enter a useful referential alias.

Enter the iSCSI IQN of the machine that needs access. This can be found on a given Linux machine with iSCSI installed in


In Services > SAN > Groups

Add group.

Add Target created earlier, click add.

Then click Users for the newly created Group, and add the user created earlier (or pre-existing one, as needed)

Then click Devices and select the device you just created from Available Devices list. user created in last step.

Add device.

A "Reload SAN configuration" button should be visible top right of the UI. Press it.

iSCSI volume should now be available.

To connect a client, see ISCSI